Queen Mary, University of London


Wednesday 15th April 2009

Derek Willoughby LT, Sir John Vane Centre


  • 5-5.20pm:“The molecular response of the joint surface to injury: the activation of the repair response” By Dr Francesco Dell Accio .
  • 5.20-5.30pm: Discussion
  • 5.30-5.50pm: "Multifunctional polyelectrolyte based micro- and nanocapsules: in vivo sensing and remote controlled delivery systems" By Prof Gleb Sukhorukovc.
  • 5.50-6pm Discussion
  • 6-7pm Refreshments


Dr Francesco Dell Accio, Senior Lecturer in Experimental Rheumatology, William Harvey Research Institute.

Dr Dell'Accio's research focus is cartilage biology and the biological repair/regeneration of adult articular cartilage. The findings that progenitor cells persist within adult synovial joints and in adult articular cartilage (Dell'Accio et al. Exp Cell Res. 2003) and that the injured adult human articular cartilage deploys an early signalling response including modulation of the WNT and BMP signalling pathways (Dell'Accio et al. Arthr. Res. Ther. 2006) suggests that repair mechanisms persist in the adult joints. His current research is therefore focussed on the unravelling of the molecular signalling triggered by injury to the articular cartilage and playing a role in the repair mechanisms. A high throughput screening by microarrays has revealed an important signalling response of adult human articular cartilage to mechanical injury. Individual signalling molecules and signalling pathways identified by this screening are being tested in vitro and in vivo for their function in cartilage biology and joint surface repair.

Email: f.dell'accio@qmul.ac.uk

Prof Gleb Sukhorukov, Professor, School of Engineering and Materials Science

Professor Gleb Sukhorukov joined Queen Mary, University of London in 2005. He moved from the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces (Germany), where he had been running an independent research group. In 2001, he received the Sofja Kovalevskaja Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. His research comprises physics and (bio)-chemistry on submicron dimensions and design of multifunctional capsules. He is author of more than 150 papers, a number of book contributions and patents.

Email: g.sukhorukov@qmul.ac.uk
